Hartley SS

Type of vessel - Steam Ship

How sunk – Foundered in heavy seas

Former names – None

Wreck height - 6m

The ‘Hartley’ was a new vessel when she fell foul to bad weather after only seven voyages. Travelling from Barry for Ghent with a cargo of coal with the wind increasing the ‘Hartley’ started to take on water through number 3 hatch. Despite attempts to lash down the torn tarpaulins the hatch boards on number 3 hatch were blown into the sea, and with more hatch covers washing away in the waves breaking over the sides it was decided to abandon ship after she started to list to starboard. An SOS was sent out and the steamer ‘Machaon’ came to assist, but at the wrong moment a large swell passed along the hull and capsized the lifeboat. All but 1 of the 21 crew drowned.

The wreck of the ‘Hartley’ has yet to be confirmed, but is a wreck is of the right proportions, and only 2 miles from where the ship is reported to have sunk. The wreck lies on its starboard side.

South Coast Ship Wrecks

South Coast

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